Hear Me
Counselling for Survivors of Sexual Abuse.
For appointments, referrals or information
please call
​01307 850741
A counsellor will take your call
Text: 07975 726953
Email: info@hearmecounselling.com
Scottish Charity No. SC044106
Leave a gift in your Will - Help the work we do live on

We provide workshops and training for groups, agencies and organisations who are looking to increase their knowledge and understanding of the issues of child sexual abuse and sexual violence.
Our trainers have a wealth of knowledge and therapeutic experience within the arena of childhood abuse and sexual violence. Please click on 'Get Involved' for more information.

Placement Students
Are you training to become a counsellor? Please click on 'Get Involved' for more information.

We offer a variety of volunteering roles at Hear Me.
For more information click on the above menu bar 'Get Involved'.
You can also find more information on our Volunteering page.

Seasons for Growth (SFG) - Group Programme
This is a FREE group programme for children, young poeple, or adults who have experienced significant change or loss. SFG is based on the belief that change, loss and grief are a normal and valuable part of life.
Hear Me can offer an Adult Programme which consists of 4 x 2 hour small group workshop sessions over 4 weeks
We can also offer the Children and Young People's Programme which we mainly deliver in schools. There are 4 levels avialable.
Level 1: 6-8 years
Level 1: 9-10 years
Level 3: 11-12 years
Level 4: 12-18 years
Each level includes eight weekly sessions that range from 40 minutes to one hour depending on age.
Please get in touch to chat with one of our trained companions to find out more.
What we offer

Our outreach counselling service provides counselling for adults and children (aged 8+) who live in Angus and the surrounding area.
Providing a safe, confidential, and comfortable environment for you to speak with a counsellor about your experience and how it has affected you. It is up to you what you discuss and your counsellor will go at your pace.
We offer counselling that can be long-term. Each counselling session lasts approx 50 minutes to an hour. Appointments can be arranged during the day or evening at a time and place suitable for you and your counsellor. If you prefer, we can also provide counselling by telephone and walk and talk counselling (normally outdoors).

To make an appointment
Telephone 01307 850741
Email info@hearmecounselling.com
Or text 07975 726953.
One of our counsellors will take your call.
We will provide a 1st appointment to let you know about our sevice and what we can offer you. Our aim is that this would be within 10 working days.
Telephone Counselling
Telephone counselling is just like a face-to-face counselling, except you are talking with your counsellor over the phone. Your counsellor will always offer to call you to organise a suitable time for your appointment. This can be daytime, evenings and sometimes weekends.

Important note: We will never leave a message to say we have called unless you tell us it is safe to do so.
Walk and Talk Counselling
It is just like traditonal counselling except you are walking with your counsellor side by side, while you are talking about what matters to you. If walking is difficult, we can find a quiet spot to sit down and chat whilst being outside.
Movement can also enrich the counselling sessions and help you feel 'more grounded' whilst being outside. Whether it is in the park, by the beach or in the town.
Confidentiality will also be discussed for example, how you will negotiate encountering other people when out walking. Also the weather. If its bad weather, having the session indoors may be preferred.

Working in partnership
'Hear Me' has a strong commitment to working in partnership with other individuals, groups or agencies .

We believe this can lead to improved organisational effectiveness, reduced duplication, better use of resources and more value for money, all of which enable 'Hear Me' to better help its beneficiaries.
We consider frequently whether there are any aspects of our work that can be better delivered in partnership with others. This could be as simple as sharing a minibus with you or providing joint training.