Hear Me
Counselling for Survivors of Sexual Abuse.
For appointments, referrals or information
please call
​01307 850741
A counsellor will take your call
Text: 07975 726953
Email: info@hearmecounselling.com
Scottish Charity No. SC044106
Leave a gift in your Will - Help the work we do live on
Recruiting volunteer counsellors now!
For more information
Email: info@hearmecounselling.com
Why volunteer?
People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons, and you may have your own motivation for volunteering. Some common reasons include:
To meet new people
To learn new skills
To gain experience
To give something back
To make a difference
Why volunteer with Hear Me?
You would be joining a small but dedicated team and really making a difference to the lives of others. We have a dedicated volunteer coordinator to keep in contact with you. Regular drop-in sessions and activities ensure you feel part of a team. We offer regular peer support, training opportunities and volunteer expenses.
“Aside from bringing up my children, volunteering with Hear Me is probably the most important work I’ll do” (Volunteer Counsellor)
Volunteer Friendly Award
Hear Me gained a volunteer friendly award in December 2021. This is a quality standard given to groups who can demonstrate good volunteering involving practice. Feedback from the external assessor included, “An outstanding submission for the Volunteer Friendly Award which meets/exceeds all the requirements”.
What kind of volunteering roles are there?
There are various opportunities for volunteering within Hear Me, and the most important thing is that volunteering is meaningful and purposeful to you and us – we don’t recruit volunteers if there is no role to fulfil. However, new opportunities can arise at any time so do get in touch if you want to find out more!
Our main volunteering roles include:
Volunteer Trustees
Trustees are volunteers who support the on-going development and strategic direction of the organisation. Being a trustee means making decisions and ensuring that the organisation is run in the interests of the people it is there to serve. Volunteer Trustees attend various meetings such as Board meetings and Steering Group meetings several times a year.
Volunteer Counsellors
Volunteer Counsellors with Hear Me are qualified (post graduate counselling diploma or equivalent) counsellors who give up their time to provide support for survivors of sexual abuse. Counsellors should be able to commit to 4 hours per week for a minimum of one year.
Volunteer Fundraisers
As a charity, Hear Me relies on grant funding and our own fundraising efforts. We welcome volunteers with an interest or skills in fundraising to help support our activities. This can be on a regular or ad-hoc basis. Do you know you can also support us by:
Raising money when you shop online! Go to www.giveasyoulive.com AND/OR www.easyfundraising.org.uk and search for Hear Me
Share our volunteer recruitment film, Make a Difference.Find it at www.vimeo.com/678228300
Listen to our song on youtube
Purchase a number for our lottery.£24 lets you join for a year and be in with the chance of a cash prize. Email for more information.
Volunteer administrators
Running a charity means there are always tasks to do! If you have an interest or skill in administration, we may be able to match it to a role. Examples include data input, newsletter content and raising awareness at various events.
Young Volunteers
We want to encourage volunteering in people of all ages and although our minimum age for most roles is 18, we have been supported by local schools through the Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI). Get in touch if you or your school have ideas for supporting Hear Me, we’d love to hear from you!
In the
meantime you can watch our volunteering film 'Make a Difference'
Volunteer Recruitment Film - Please click on the link below